In Oregon, it’s common to have unincorporated areas- inside city limits or outside a city’s borders. Unincorporated communities are parcels of land that exist outside the jurisdiction of any city or town–meaning they are not regulated by the surrounding or nearby city’s governments. Unincorporated communities do not have local governments and rely on other communal […]
City of Medford
Understanding Floodplain Determination in Southern Oregon
Floodplain determination is a crucial aspect of land use planning and development, as it helps communities understand their flood risk and make informed decisions about reducing or managing that risk. This article provides an overview of how floodplain determination works in Jackson County, Oregon. How are Floodplains Determined? Floodplains are determined using Flood Insurance Rate […]
What is an “Area of Special Concern” for Southern Oregon Properties
State and municipal planning ordinances and codes regulate how a property can be used or altered. One provision that may limit the approved land uses is termed “area of special concern.” In general, an area of special concern is a section of land containing protected wildlife and vegetation or is designated as a historic resource. […]
What is Annexation, and Can I Annex My Property?
If your home or other property is designated as county or “unincorporated,” you may be able to apply to the city to have it annexed to the city. When a property is annexed, it is brought within the city limits, making it a part of the city and subjected to all the benefits and implications […]
Wondering How to Change Zoning Regulations for Your Property?
Zoning laws in your area will dictate many aspects of your property–from the minimum lot size to how the land and structures can be used. Often, owners or prospective landowners find that the zoning laws may be outdated and reflect needs and values held by a local in the past. It is possible to change […]
What Do You Get From a Land Use Feasibility Analysis?
Building a new property is exciting, but property owners can not use all land for any purpose. Navigating city and county zoning provisions and other restrictions are challenging and confusing. There’s nothing worse than getting part of the way into a project and finding out that there’s a limitation you weren’t aware of to derail […]
Did you know that local land use planning regulations are part of broader statewide planning goals?
Before the 1960s, there was little statewide coordination of land use provisions in place. The State was growing in population quickly as families continued to move west. Additionally, Oregon and Washington became homes to families beginning to move out of Southern Californian neighborhoods that were quickly becoming densely populated. As a result, during the 1960s […]
Zoning Regulations: What Can I Do With My Property?
Congratulations! You’ve either purchased or are aspiring to buy land in Southern Oregon. With beautiful views of mountain vistas or riverfront access and recreational opportunities, the land in Southern Oregon is some of the most desired ground in all of America. Yet, buyer beware–owning property does not come with the right to do anything you […]
RPS and the Medford UGB
RPS and the Medford UGB Amendment On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, the City of Medford will be holding an open house to discuss an amendment to the current Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The purpose of the UGB amendment is to include more commercial and residential land to prepare for Medford’s growth over the next 20 […]
Code Amendment
The City of Medford is proposing a code amendment for streets and maximum block lengths. If you have vacant, undeveloped land within the City, this may affect your property with future development. The code amendment will apply to all residential and commercially zoned properties. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this code amendment, please contact […]