RPS and the Medford UGB Amendment
On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, the City of Medford will be holding an open house to discuss an amendment to the current Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The purpose of the UGB amendment is to include more commercial and residential land to prepare for Medford’s growth over the next 20 years. Regional Problem Solving (RPS) involves several cities throughout Jackson County working together to create a plan to prepare for the next 50 years of regional growth. RPS is instrumental in the UGB amendment process since the City of Medford can only grow into the areas chosen through RPS.
RPS, Medford UGB, and the BAC
The Medford Boundary Advisory Committee (BAC) has suggested specific areas throughout the City of Medford to be possibly included in the UGB expansion. These areas have been chosen for several reasons, and studies will need to be done on the proposed areas to determine if they should be included in the UGB expansion. The studies on the proposed areas will show what kind of expense Medford will be facing to expand the City’s infrastructure to those areas.
RPS, Medford UGB, and Your Property
We have been following the RPS process, including the Medford UGB amendment, closely since it began. We have a great understanding of the issues at hand and how they will impact specific areas in Jackson County. If you have any concerns about RPS and the UGB amendment and how they may affect your property, you are urged to participate in the open house discussion, or contact Megan LaNier, a planner at our firm.
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