Making a good impression is essential in attracting clients to your business. For a brick-and-mortar company, that often means altering and enhancing landscaping surrounding the building and parking lot. Yet, most municipalities throughout Oregon have stringent land use rules and restrictions about commercial landscaping that can often be complex and confusing. Some rules are in place to address environmental concerns, and some are intended to protect the aesthetic feel of a community. In contrast, others may have been enacted due to community feedback or complaints. Here are a few common questions about commercial landscaping that require review with state and local land use authorities.
Five Common Questions About Commercial Landscaping
1. Who can I hire to perform landscaping work for my business?
The State of Oregon requires landscaping-related work to be performed by professionals licensed by the State’s Landscape Contractors Board. That means the individuals you hire to build a shed for your company’s tools might not be permitted to remove trees blocking the walkway to the building. Remember that any landscaping contract of $2,000 or more must also be in writing. This protects you and your landscaper.
2. Can I remove trees, shrubs, and other landscaping on my commercial property?
Maybe. Some municipalities in Oregon have very stringent rules about removing existing plants from property. Cutting down trees without obtaining the correct permits can result in fines, requirements for replanting the trees, and bad PR. In some areas, you may be required to remove and replace dead or dying trees, but those areas may disallow damaging or removing healthy ones. For example, you may be prevented from topping (or cutting more than 30% of the top of a tree) that is blocking a sign or part of your business.
3. Can I store excess inventory on my property?
Not necessarily. Some municipalities in Oregon have rules against storing tools, materials, or inventory within the landscaped area surrounding a business to protect the plants’ health. Understanding how the land outside your company’s walls can be used before you move equipment or products outdoors is advisable.
4. Why do I have to build ditches on my property?
If you submit plans to make alterations to your property, you might receive stipulations that ditches must be a part of the plan. Using ditches and swales has become commonplace in Oregon to limit water runoff by absorbing it into the ground instead. These ditches also help filter and clean groundwater before it enters the wastewater system.
5. Can I clear an area of my property to expand my parking lot?
Not always. Before you clear out the brush and dump some gravel on your property for parking, you need to discuss your plans with your local land use planning authorities. Some municipalities have rules about cutting down trees and brush, and others may be so specific as to require a proper foundation and drainage underneath your gravel or asphalt. You may even be subject to restrictions about how much parking space you can have on your property or where the parking must be located.
Contact the land use professionals at Richard Stevens & Associates to understand the requirements for your commercial business.
These questions about commercial landscaping are just the tip of the iceberg for business owners in our community. Our team of experts works with business owners like you daily to determine the options for landscaping alterations and enhancements. If you’re in the market for a new property, our staff can help you understand your opportunities and limitations before signing a purchase or lease agreement. There’s no need to tackle these complex questions on your own–choose the expert guidance from Richard Stevens & Associates instead! Contact us today to learn more about our services.
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