FR – Forest Resource District
- Farm use
- Forest operations or practices, including: reforestation, road construction/maintenance, tree harvesting, chemical application, slash disposal
- Temporary auxiliary structures for forest operation
- Physical alterations to land for forest practices
- Temporary or permanent facility for processing of forest products
- Permanent logging equipment repair and storage
- Log scaling and weigh stations
- Forest management research experimentation
- Temporary forest labor camps
- Uses to conserve soil, air & water quality and to provide for wildlife & fish resources
- Uninhabitable structures accessory to fish and wildlife enhancement
Residential Uses
- Large tract forest dwelling
- Forest template dwelling
- Ownership of record dwelling
- Alteration, restoration, or replacement of a lawfully established dwelling
- Registered child care facility or certified group child care home
- Temporary medical hardship dwelling
- Caretaker residence for public parks and fish hatcheries
Commercial Uses
- Destination resort
- Home occupation or home business
Mineral, Aggregate, Oil, Gas Uses
- Exploration for mineral and aggregate resources
- Exploration for and production of geothermal, gas, or oil
- Mining and processing of oil, gas, aggregate and mineral resources
- Temporary asphalt and concrete batch plants for specific projects
Transportation Uses
- Expansion of existing airports
- Widening of roads within existing right-of-way
- Public road and highway projects
- Aids to navigation and aviation
Utility/Solid Waste Uses
- Local distribution lines and equipment
- New electric transmission lines and distribution lines
- Television, microwave, and radio communication facilities and transmission towers
- Telecommunications tower
- Utility facilities for generating power
- Towers and fire stations for forest fire and rural fire protection
- Water intake facilities, canals, and distribution lines for farm and nonfarm uses
- Reservoirs and water impoundments
- Solid waste disposal site
- Modification of waste related use
Parks/Public Uses
- Public and private parks
- Campgrounds
- Private hunting and fishing operations without lodging
- Private accommodations for fishing occupied on a temporary basis
- Private seasonal accommodations for fee hunting operations
- Youth camp
- Firearms training facility
- Cemeteries
Outdoor Gathering Uses
- Outdoor gathering under 3000 people for under 120 hours in any 3-month period
- Outdoor gathering over 3000 people for over 120 hours in any 3-month period
Simply put, an established use on a property that was allowed at one time, but is not permitted under the current standards, is considered a pre-existing nonconforming use.
An established use on a property that has never met required standards is a nonconforming use.

EFU – Exclusive Farm Use District
Farm/Agriculture Uses
- Farm use
- Buildings, other than dwellings, provided for farm use
- Propagation or harvesting of a forest product
- Temporary facility for primary processing of forest products
- Facility for processing farm crops
Natural Resource Uses
- Creation, restoration, or enhancement of wetlands
- The propagation, cultivation, maintenance, and harvesting of aquatic or insect species
Residential Uses
- Dwelling provided in conjunction with farm use
- Farm dwelling for relative
- Accessory farm dwellings
- Ownership of record dwelling
- Temporary medical hardship dwelling
- Nonfarm dwelling
- Residential home
- Room and board arrangements for up to 5 unrelated people in existing residence
- Alteration, restoration, or replacement of a lawfully established dwelling
- Historic dwelling replacement
- Registered child care facility or certified group child care home
Commercial Uses
- Commercial activities in conjunction with farm use
- Breeding, kenneling, and training greyhounds for racing
- Dog kennels
- Home occupation or home business
- Destination resort
- Winery
- Farm stand
Mineral, Aggregate, Oil, Gas Uses
- Exploration and production of geothermal, oil, and gas
- Exploration for minerals
- Operations for mining and processing geothermal, oil, and gas
- Mining, crushing, or stockpiling aggregate and other mineral resources
- Processing aggregate into asphalt or portland cement
- Processing other mineral and subsurface resources
Transportation Uses
- Personal use airports for airplanes and helicopter pads
- Climbing and passing lanes within the right-of-way
- Construction of additional passing and travel lanes
- Reconstruction or modification of public roads and highways
- Temporary public road and highway detours
- Minor betterment of existing public roads and highway related facilities
- Parking no more than seven log trucks
Utility/Solid Waste Uses
- Utility facilities necessary for public service
- Telecommunications towers
- Transmission towers over 200 feet high
- Solid waste disposal site
- Modification of waste related use
- Fire service facilities for rural fire protection
- Irrigation canals and delivery lines
- Utility facility service lines
- Commercial facilities for generating power for public use by sale
- Composting facilities with permit from DEQ
Parks/Public Uses
- Public or private schools, including essential buildings
- Churches and cemeteries in conjunction with churches
- Private parks, playgrounds, hunting, and fishing preserves
- Campgrounds
- Public parks and playgrounds
- Community centers owned by a government or nonprofit agency
- Golf courses
- Living history museum
- On-site filming and accessory activities
- Takeoff and landing site for model aircraft
- Expansion of existing county fairgrounds and related activities
- Operations for extraction and bottling of water
- Land application of biosolids transported by vehicle to a tract
- Land application of reclaimed water and process water
- Firearms training facility
Outdoor Gathering Uses
- Outdoor gathering under 3000 people for under 120 hours in any 3-month period
- Outdoor gathering over 3000 people for over 120 hours in any 3-month period
Simply put, an established use on a property that was allowed at one time, but is not permitted under the current standards, is considered a pre-existing nonconforming use.
An established use on a property that has never met required standards is a nonconforming use.

AR – Aggregate Removal District
Farm & Forest Uses
- Agriculture (farm use)
- Managing, growing, and harvesting timber and forest products
Residential Uses
- Permanent single family dwelling
- Temporary single family dwelling, caretaker, or site operator
Commercial Uses
- Temporary auction services
- Destination resort
Mineral, Aggregate, Oil, Gas Uses
- Mining, processing, and stockpiling aggregate and mineral resources
- Processing aggregate from a new or expansion site
- Equipment or structures for mining operations
- Manufacture, fabrication, and sale of aggregate products for aggregate operations
- Processing and stockpiling of aggregate or mineral resources from offsite
- Sedimentation ponds for mining operations
- Storage or repair of heavy equipment for mining operation
- Emergency extraction
Transportation Uses
- All types of transportation improvements
Utility/Solid Waste Facilities
- Freestanding transmission towers
- Stealth or co-location cell tower
- Utility facilities
- Sanitary landfill
- Solid waste transfer station
Parks/Public Uses
- Bike paths
- Park or playground
- Public works buildings and facilities
- Firearm training facility/shooting range
Simply put, an established use on a property that was allowed at one time, but is not permitted under the current standards, is considered a pre-existing nonconforming use.
An established use on a property that has never met required standards is a nonconforming use.

Remedy of Code Enforcement Issues
Urban Growth Boundary Amendments
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Plot Line Adjustments
Measure 49
Rural Residential
Planning promotes responsible use of land-based resources. The Jackson County Planning Division coordinates long-range planning through adherence to the County's Comprehensive Plan and applies the Land Development Ordinance in the review of specific land use proposals.